Connection Youth Welcomes You!
Hey, we just want you to know that you matter! You matter and your students matter! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to build relationships with and share the love of Jesus with your teens here at connection youth. We would love to meet and connect with you. :)
“At Connection Youth, our vision is that through the process of discipleship, students would discover, step into, and be equipped for their God-ordained purpose in life as they mature into adulthood.”
Core Values
Sound-We take what we teach and do seriously. (There’s a purpose for everything that we do.) 2nd Timothy 3:16
Accountable-We don’t settle for mediocrity in our Christian walk. (Scripture is clear that iron sharpens Iron. God designed us to live in a community with other people and to allow other Christians to challenge and encourage us along the way.) Proverbs 27:17
Free-We believe that everyone and anyone has a voice and a right to attend church and have a relationship with Jesus. (We never want anyone to feel ostracized or isolated based on anything about them.) Matthew 7:1
Exciting-We don’t take ourselves too seriously and laugh often. (Life is too short to be boring. Our hope is that all aspects of Connection Youth are exciting, fun, challenging, and empowering. Learn to laugh at yourself and enjoy the journey.) Romans 12:10