Plan Your Visit To TCP
We are SO glad that you are considering joining us for a Sunday morning service. We know that checking out a church can be scary, intimidating and maybe even overwhelming for some people. Because of that, we want to share a bit more about us to answer some FAQ and so you know what to expect during your visit.
What Do I Do With My Kids?
The 4th sunday of the month we have family worship services where all of the kids stay in the worship center for services. The other three weeks of the month, you can keep them with you or you can also check them into our fully-staffed, safe nursery and locked children’s wing during those times located in the connection center on the right end of the church.
What Should I Expect During Services?
Whichever entrance you choose to use (we recommend using the middle main entrance), you can expect to see smiles, hear laughter and see people connecting with each other. Weekly, you can expect a variety of worship elements including a 20-30 minute message rooted in scripture, lively music, prayer, calls to action, videos/use of media and announcements.
Occasionally you will witness child dedications, alter calls, water baptism, and updates from our various ministries because we believe in celebrating our “chamily” (Church-family)
Differences In Services
Some elements will depend on what service you attend. Our 8:15 service is a bit more traditional while our 10:45 is more contemporary. Both contain the same message but different music, music style, media use and stage set-up.
What Do I Wear?
That is entirely up to you! You can come just as you are! Whether it's jeans, dress attire, shorts and a hoodie, we want you to feel comfortable and welcome. You don't have to impress anyone.
Where Do I Go and Park?
We are located just outside of the borough of Newville at 475 Shippensburg Rd (off rt 533) in Newville, PA. You can park just about anywhere in 1 of our 3 lots at the church (except the neighbor’s yard, they wouldn’t like that). If you’re in need of help getting in and out of you car, our greeters are also excellent at assisting people.